what is collagen made of

What is Collagen Made Of?

stephanieauthement Beauty, Nutrition

Collagen is a popular supplement in the health industry, but do you know what collagen is and what is does? If you have no idea what collagen is made of and if you should buy these supplements, keep reading on to find out what collagen actually does for you body.

5 Easy Meal Prep Ideas

stephanieauthement Healthy Eating, Nutrition

Are you looking for some easy meal prep recipe ideas that can help you stop eating out for lunch everyday? How about eating something different every day instead of prepping the same meal everyday? There is nothing worse than eating the same lunch everyday. Here are 5 easy meal prep recipes!

What is Diet Culture?

stephanieauthement Healthy Eating, Nutrition

If you survived life through the early 90’s – 2000’s then you are aware of how bad magazines and TV stressed eating barely anything and being a size 000. The covers of those magazines showed super skinny models and showed you how to develop an eating disorder with food. This all revolves around the term diet culture.